Players: 3 | Drink: Any | Type: Social
Cups for players
Deck of playing cards
Extra cup
Place the extra cup on the table. Spread the deck of playing cards faced down out to make a ring around the extra cup.
The rules for Ring of Fire is simple. Each player starts by taking a turn to pick a card. Once the card is drawn it is left face up on the table, and cards are drawn until the last king is drawn from the circle, ending the game. If the circle of cards is broken in the process of taking a card, then the drawing player has to down his/her drink. The meaning of each card is explained below:
Ace - Waterfall
The player with the card starts drinking and it goes round the circle, when it gets back to the player they can then stop drinking and then it follows round
2 - You
Pick someone to drink
3 - Me
Whoever gets this card drinks
4 - Whores
All girls drink
5 - Thumb master
The person with the card may place their thumb on the table at any time during the game and the last person to do so has to drink
6 - Dicks
All guys drink
7 - Heaven The person with the card may raise their hand at any time during the game and the last person to do so has to drink
8 - Mate Pick a mate who has to drink with you
9 - Rhyme Say a word and go round the circle rhyming with that word, whoever hesitates or can't think of a rhyming word has to drink, words with no rhyme such as orange are banned
10 - Categories Say a word from that category and go round the circle, whoever hesitates or can't think of a word associated with that category has to drink
Jack - Rule Make a new rule for the game
Queen - Question master If you ask a player a question and they answer they have to drink, if they answer the question with "Fuck you question master" then you have to drink
King - Add to the cup placed in the centre of the table​
Whoever draws the last king has to down the cup in the centre, the cup must be filled to the top with donations from other players in the game!